Course (certified) on Tech Diplomacy
Bachelor student
Master student
Seminar, conference, talk
01/01/2021 to 31/12/2022
Main goals of the course:
Make participants aware of the importance of considering dimensions related to climate change when thinking about the city (in relation to urban regeneration) to fight the current climate emergency situation.
Create an interdisciplinary work environment. To do this, ETSAM students have developed joint activities with students of Political Sciences from the Autonomous University in Madrid, in relation to the issue of climate change and migration from a political-urban perspective. This allowed them to share their knowledge in urban planning and architecture with future professionals in the field (learners).
Put students in contact with reality and the cities where they will operate in the near future through their professional activities. To do this, students have analyzed some work areas proposed to them (Barrio de San Isidro and Mahou-Calderón area in Madrid) from a holistic perspective. Visits have been made to the mentioned area and it has been possible to interact with some neighborhood associations and AMPAs in the region, as well as individual citizens.
SDG info
Relevant SDGs
SDG13 - Climate Action
Time format
Application deadline
Designing a Sustainable and Decarbonized University (DISCOVERY)
Activity provider / partner
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid