English for Academic and Professional Communication
Bachelor student
Course, workshop, MOOC, seasonal school
In person
01/09/2023 to 31/01/2023
Course Description
Teaching methodology: – Lectures Every week, there will be theory and individual/group practice in our official room. Moreover, there will be a number of sessions (listening comprehension and specialised vocabulary practice) in the Computer Lab. – Independent work Students will do the required readings and tasks for the in-class sessions as indicated by the lecturer. – Seminars, workshops and open lectures Additional activities would be announced throughout the course. The course will be taught in English. Learning outcomes: 1) To understand and tell the main differences between general English and English for Specific Purposes. 2) To get familiar with the different communication channels and the language used in professional and academic contexts. 3) To understand oral and written texts in the field of specialisation. 4) To know how to prepare, organise and do an oral presentation in English about a topic related to the degree. 5) To know how to organise and face a job interview in English. 6) To learn how to write a CV as well as a covering letter or formal email. 7) To learn the main features of specialised texts and be able to produce them. 8) To learn how to analyse and write introductions, summaries and abstracts. 9) To get familiar with specialised vocabulary in the students’ field of interest. 10) To improve the students’ listening skills by means of multimedia activities, videos, and projects.
Subject area
Languages and Literature
Validation mode
Check in learning guide in URL column
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering
Applied Linguistics in Science and Technology