Environmental Management in Marine Operations

PhD, researcher
Course, workshop, MOOC, seasonal school
12/09/2022 to 30/12/2022
Course Description
Course Description: Environmental notions and problems. Ship and port source pollution. Legal framework. Mathematics of pollution: advection, dispersion and residence time. Atmospheric pollution. Ballast water management. Oil pollution and its mathematics. Anti-fouling paint. Habitat destruction. Ship source waste water and garbage. Ship breaking. Noise pollution. Dredging operations. Environmental management systems. Environmental impact assessment. Environmental quality. Management optimization. GIS systems, coastal state, flag state, port state, measuring and monitoring , marine pollution arising from offshore facilities, recycling of offshore facilities, UNCLOS-1982, MARPOL. Course Objectives: To give information about pollution due to ships and ports. To teach what kinds of operational methods could be followed in port and ship management to make a positive impact on the environment and to build the framework for this purpose. To have students apply their mathematical knowledge to environmental problems. To teach aspects of environmental management and impact assessment, while showing how these combine with scientific knowledge. To enhance scientific knowledge analysis-synthesis and communication skills.
Day of the weeks
42 h - 14 weeks
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Graduate School
Maritime Transportation Engineering