History of Architecture 3 (Medieval)
Bachelor student
Master student
Course, workshop, MOOC, seasonal school
In person
04/09/2023 to 22/01/2024
Course Description
The architecture of the Late Roman Empire. The born of Christianity and its „Necessity architecture”. The born of the monumental Christian architecture – Early Christian architecture in Rome. – Early Christian architecture in the eastern Provinces: Palestine, North Africa, Syria – Late Roman and Oriental traditions. Early Byzantine architecture in Thessalonica and in Constantinople. Load bearing structures of the Early Christian period. Different types of barrel vaults, Roman-type cross vault. – Syrian influences in Armenia. The „Iconoclasm” and the aftermath in Greece. Architecture in the radius of influence of Byzantium. The comparison of the basilicas in Rome and in Syria. – Ravenna. The penetration of Christian architecture into barbarian Europe – „Scattered monuments”. Byzantine vaulting systems. The main stream of the Romanesque architecture: the Carolingian architecture with the „evangelizer” Benedictine movements, the three periods of the German-Roman Empire. The Langobard architecture in North-Italy. The Romanesque vaulting systems: Romanesque cross vault, Sexpartite vaulting, „groin-rib” vaulting. Squire-bayed and free vaulting systems – the pointed arch. Basilica and „false basilica” type space organization. – The retrospective interregional influences in Romanesque architecture. – Antique influences. Byzantine influences. The progressive interregional influences in Romanesque architecture – monastic movements: Benedictine and Cistercian, Norman „Imperial” Romanesque architecture. Morphology of medieval detailing. The Early French Gothic cathedrals. – The flourishing period of the French cathedrals, and its influences in South-France, in England, in Germany and in Italy. Interregional influences in gothic architecture: Cistercian gothic formations, the Franciscan and Dominican movements. – The special characteristics of English and German gothic architecture. Late gothic vaulting systems: Cylindrical (or net vaults) and Spherical (or stellar) vaults. Halls and false-halls – Civic movements in Late Gothic in Germany and the proto-renaissance in Italy. Medieval secular architecture.
Time format
42 h / 14 weeks
Validation mode
Written examination
Maximum number of students
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Architecture
Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation