Industry 4.0 in Textiles and Apparel
Master student
Course, workshop, MOOC, seasonal school
12/09/2022 to 30/12/2022
Course Description
Course Description: History of industrial revolutions. The concept of Industry 4.0. Smart factories. Digital manufacturing. E-Production. The structure of and the technologies for Industry 4.0: Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, autonomous robots-co-robots, collaborative robots, big data, cloud computing, augmented reality and virtual reality, additive manufacturing, cyber security, vertical and horizontal integration. The road map for Industry 4.0: The readyness and maturity level for Industry 4.0. The competitiveness and applicability of Industry 4.0. Measuring instruments and related products manufacturing for measuring, displaying, and controlling industrial process variables data processing. The case studies and application in textile, technical textile and apparel industries. Course Objectives: To examine Industry 4.0 concept, the requirements of it and its influence on the competitiveness and the prevention against it. To develop a road map for the textile and apparel manufacturers within the transition to Industry 4.0. To examine the case studies and applications of Industry 4.0 in textile and apparel industry.
Subject area
Chemical Sciences
Day of the weeks
42 h - 14 weeks
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Graduate School
Innovative Technical Textiles