Introduction to Machine Learning
Bachelor student
Course, workshop, MOOC, seasonal school
In person
01/09/2023 to 31/01/2023
Course Description
The course is focused on introducing the basic concepts related to machine learning. As it is intended to provide an introduction, during the first part of the course the fundamentals related to the development of machine learning algorithms and some use-cases will be explained. The course approach is eminently practical and is based on a Neural Compute Stick module especially devoted to the development of neural networks for computer vision. The methodology of the course is project-based. The course is divided in two parts: In the first part, basic machine learning concepts will be introduced. Specifically, the fundamental ideas of neural networks will be reviewed. In addition, groups of students will be established to collaboratively review different parts of the project proposal. The results will be shared with the student colleagues in a presentation. The second part of the course will be focused on the project proposal. Besides a presentation, students are required to write a report of achieved results.
Validation mode
Check in learning guide in URL column
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
School of Telecommunications and System Engineering
Telematic and Electronic Engineering