Course (certified) on Tech Diplomacy
Bachelor student
Master student
Seminar, conference, talk
01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021
Monitoring of the response of citizens to urban space and materials will be measure. Specifically, the stimuli generated (positive or negative) by the outdoor environmental quality and by the different characteristics of the urban materials: textures and colours. This will be monitored measuring brain activity using techniques available in the field of Neuroarchitecture.
The measurement of stimuli will be performed in two environments: virtual and real.
Virtual Environment: Different citizens will be subjected to the observation of images with different degrees of complexity, recording their brain activity
Guide walks in urban environment: Based on the monitoring of the case studies, routes with high interest will be selected due to both, good and poor environmental quality data. These itineraries will be followed by different individuals collecting their brain activity using portable devices and recording the spaces they transit, linking image and noise with the activity recorded
SDG info
Relevant SDGs
SDG11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Time format
Application deadline
Sustainable Buildings, Cities and Communities
Activity provider / partner
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid