MOOC “Curves in Engineering and Architecture” (UPM)
Seminar, conference, talk
Asynchronous remote
01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
MOOC “Curves in Engineering and Architecture”:
This course deals with a cross-cutting theme in engineering and architecture – curves – approached from the point of view of mathematics and linked to other subjects: construction, industrial design and production, and road safety.
The course combines rigorous training with the excitement that comes from posing a problem, together with the discovery of its solution and practical applications to sustainability challenges.
The course is structured in three independent parts:
Part I: Curves in construction and architecture.
Part II: Curves in road safety.
Part III: Curves in industrial design and manufacturing.
Each part consists of three modules with the following structure:
#1. The first, introductory, module describes the practical setting and a real world example or problem whose study involves curves.
#2. The second module presents the materials, ideas, and methods that will be used.
#3. The third module serves to deepen understanding and describe connections with related topics. Some modules finish with a collection of links to go further and some videos to know more about curves and surfaces in connection with sustainability issues.
Assessment: This MOOC comprises 9 modules and mandatory evaluation test are – Test 1 and test 2 for modules 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8. Test 1 for modules 3, 6 and 9.
SDG info
Relevant SDGs
SDG4 - Quality Education
Time format
Application deadline
SSERIES: Science for Sustainably Envisioning Reality and Information for an Engaged Society
Activity provider / partner
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Scuola Normale Superiore | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti | École nationale des ponts et chaussées